Milky Chic Blog — Pregnancy

Anees pvt
Leni's Birth Story

Leni's Birth Story

Hey, all! Guess who finally arrived? That’s right - we welcomed our beautiful, healthy daughter, Leni Shir Davis, to the world on October 14, 2020. She was born at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, FL. And, while we currently have two children, ages 3 and 6, Leni’s birth was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. See, my due date was October 7th and, well, I was expecting to have the same encounter as I had previously had. You know, my water would break on or around my due date, we’d head to the hospital, I’d get an epidural, and...

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Anees pvt
My Hospital Bag Checklist

My Hospital Bag Checklist

It is that time again for me - baby girl number 3 is due on October 7, 2020! While I am so excited, my time lately has been spent handling all of those last-minute details in preparation for her arrival – including my hospital bag.  Ladies! Trust me when I tell you that you are going to want to have all of your items together and ready to grab when it is time to head out that door. Your mind is going to be in so many places at once when the time comes and your baby – not the...

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