5 Tips to Keep Your Marriage Afloat When You Have Children

It's normal for a marriage to change when you have children. The rhythm is different, children become the priority of the couple. Don't be afraid, it's not the end of the world if your sexual life is not the same! We all go through this. That's why we'll give you some tips to keep the passion alive without sacrifices.

1. Communication is fundamental in every relationship

Sometimes day to day and routine crush us. We focus on the urgent and not the really important. But if we are coordinated and interested in finding time for the couple, it will become possible.

Spend 20 minutes a day talking about personal and/or couple issues. Talking a lot about how we feel facilitates empathy. Avoid making comparisons as to who spends more time caring for children or performing tasks. This can be at breakfast before the children go down or before you go to sleep.

2. Have loving routines

Maybe neither of us has time to escape to a romantic dinner once a week. That seems to be a thing of the past, before the kids, but it's not like that.

Gestures that a priori may seem unimportant such as not leaving home without saying goodbye with a kiss, not coming home without having greeted with a kiss or going to sleep without having given a kiss goodnight make a big difference in our relationship.

3. Seek a minimum of 3 hours per week of privacy

No children, no obligations, no responsibilities. In addition to being parents, we are also a couple, and we must take care of our relationship, both emotionally and sexually.

Having an active sexual life on marriage generates multiple benefits. It helps us to break down barriers and to generate intimacy and complicity, something indispensable for life in common to work. There can be sex without love but not love without sex.

4. Try to surprise your partner. Reinvent yourself every day

Being a parent is a full-time job. A good way to strengthen ties and bonds with your partner is to make trips or escapes alone, without the children. Disconnect as much as possible from all problems at home.

If a trip is not possible, surprise it with small but valuable things!

Go out to dinner one night, allow yourself to experience different sexual postures, start together a new hobby, buy his or her favorite candy, go to the cinema. There are many ways for a marriage with children to stay together and happy with a great sexual life. Happiness always comes in the little things.

5. Build desire again

Buy a new dress, wear a new hairstyle, use your favorite perfume. Let your partner feel that he is back in the game of conquest. Speak to her ear, whisper things to her that she likes. Make him happy so that he will please you too.

Although the sexual routine is very different when having children, keeping the flame of desire burning is a matter of commitment and intention.

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