Don’t Miss Out on the Halloween Fun with these Last-Minute DIY Baby Costumes
Halloween is right around the corner. Literally. Before you allow yourself to come to terms with missing out due to not having a costume for your baby, think again! With a little creativity and even less time, you can throw together some of the cutest costumes for your little one. And, sure, you can always do your own search online. But, here at MilkyChic, we know how busy mom-life can be. So here are nine fab ideas to get your creative juices flowing!
1. Baby Sous Chef. If you have a chef’s hat lying around, great. A stitch or two will help shrink it to fit your baby’s head. Or, you can always grab some white fabric (or felt) and create your own. Next, tie a checked scarf loosely around the neck area. Finish by drawing on a black French-style mustache.
2. Baby Sushi. A white onesie, some colored felt, and a glue gun can transform your baby into a unique piece of baby sushi.
3. Mummy. Dress your baby in a white onesie – or just a diaper. A white hat is always a plus, too. Then begin loosely wrapping him or her in soft, wide gauze. Be sure not to restrict your baby’s movements, of course. Secure the gauze with safety pins.
4. Strawberry. Using a red onside this time, grab some green and black felt as well as a glue gun. Cut tiny black seeds and the green leaves out of the remaining felt. Glue the felt onto the red onesie. And, if you have any sewing talent, you can always sew these items on as well. Now, you’ve got yourself a sweet strawberry.

5. Where’s Waldo? If you can find your baby a red and white striped shirt (or onesie), a pair of jeans, a red snow cap, and some goofy black glasses, you’ve got a Where’s Waldo situation going on.
6. Scarecrow. How cute do kids look in overalls? If your baby has a pair, why not throw on a plaid shirt and glue some pieces of straw throughout the costume. Maybe paint on a little scarecrow face? It’s a simple – and adorable – costume.
7. Growing Plant. Head on over to your nearby garden supply. Grab a large enough plastic pot to hold your baby. Then, pick up a small fake plant and a beanie. Glue (or stitch) the plant to the top of the beanie. Dress your baby in a brown onesie or outfit. Sit him or her in the pot and put that cap on. You’ve for yourself a growing potted plant.
8. Baby Cow. Another simple costume involving a white onesie, black and pink felt, bottle nipples, and a glue gun. Add black spots to the onesie by cutting and gluing the black felt. In the tummy area, cut an oval area of pink felt and glue the bottle nipples (the udders) to the felt – and then glue the felt to the onesie. This costume is udderly fantastic.

9. Cupcake with Sprinkles. Finally, this last costume takes the cake! Dress your sweet sugar in pastel colors from top to bottom. Let’s say, violent sweats and a white or pink shirt or onesie. Use a glue gun to glue colored pom poms all over the shirt. If you are feeling extra ambitious, top it off with a red beanie as the cherry on top!
Well, there you have it – 9 ideas to dress your baby in a picture-worthy Halloween costume. Due to the time constraint, we thought that these DIY ideas may be the most beneficial since they can easily be designed using things you have at home or can purchase at your neighborhood stores. Of course, if you are interested in ordering a costume, check out our Halloween post from last year – it has tons of ideas.