Our world has gone crazy - or maybe it just feels like it. But, having to be endlessly quarantined with our families can, at times, seem like both a blessing and a curse.
As moms, we love our kids. We love spending time with them, helping them learn and explore their world, and just making memories. Then, there is that other thing – you know, that time you typically have to yourself. Whether it is while the kids are at school or you are at work – even just your commute – this time away is crucial in maintaining your sanity.
Where did it go?
With so many moms recently finding themselves at home with all the quarantine restriction orders in place, how in the world are you supposed to find time for yourself?
It’s time to get creative, ladies. It is time to take back your free time in any way you can.
Get up a little earlier. I know, I know. When you don’t have to leave the house, who the heck wants to set an alarm, right? Well, if you want some time alone, the early morning hours are some of the best. The house is quiet, the world is just waking, and you will find it the perfect time for solitude. Not to mention, this is the perfect way to kickstart your day with your head in a good place. Journal, exercise, or simply sip your coffee and smile.
Stay up a little later. Alright, maybe mornings just aren’t your thing. Some people are night owls and that’s ok, too. Once you put the kids down, stay up a little bit longer. Read a book, take a bubble bath, sip some wine and binge the latest Hulu shows, or just sit in silence and focus on breathing.
Engage your kids. It’s easy for us to tell you to take advantage of the time your kids are busy. But, really, let’s face it – it just doesn’t work that way, does it? So you can get a little peace and quiet, you can tell your kids that they have the freedom to do just about anything they want to do. Then, what do they do? Stick right by your side. No matter how many times you tell them to go do something, they come back almost instantly.
This is when you need to put on your thinking cap and come up with ways that you can engage your kids. Don’t just send them off to do anything they wish. Instead, plan something new and exciting for them – something they don’t get to do often. This will hold their attention. As they get involved in the project slip away for a half-hour or so and enjoy some alone time.
Beware: They will be finished soon enough.
Make use of screens. When all else fails and you find yourself scraping the walls, make use of screens. The use of screens is such a debatable topic, leaving many moms placing limits on screen time. When you need time for yourself, take away the time restrictions for the moment. Let your kids stare at that bright little screen, play video games, watch a movie, etc. It may go against everything in you to give them this freedom, but it’s worth it. Otherwise, the screen may be the least of their worries!
Being stuck at home together with your family for the unforeseeable future gives you lots of bonding opportunities. But, don’t lose sight of yourself. Take steps to ensure that you get some solitude regularly to keep a healthy balance for you and everyone in your home.
How are you holding up during this time? If you’ve been able to find some solitude, share your secrets with Milky Chic in the comments below!