The idea of working from home captures the attention of moms everywhere. After all, it is the perfect opportunity to get paid and reap the benefits of being home with your kids, right?
Well, sure. But that doesn’t mean it comes without effort. Working from home in itself is challenging. Combine this with the need to fulfill mom duties and you’ve got yourself a unique – and sometimes trying – position.
Don’t worry, though. It is possible to do both successfully. In fact, you can conquer everything with these 5 tips.
- Create a schedule. When working from home, the last thing you want to do is disregard a structured routine. Especially if you are a mom. Separate the times you will work and the times you will be on “mom duty.” You can do this by creating a schedule. Of course, keep in mind that it may require you to work during scheduled naps, early in the morning, or after bedtime.
The idea is to plan in advance, creating set office hours. By knowing when you intend to get stuff done, you can focus and be present on each and every task throughout your day.
- Be flexible. Something is always going to come up. You may as well learn to expect it. A sick kid, a spilled cup of milk, a child just wanting mommy time, etc. Whatever happens, happens. There is no more room left for rigid schedules in your life. The sooner you kick them aside, the easier life will be.
- Define your boundaries. You need to learn right now that you are either mommy or you are a (fill in your work title here.) You cannot be both at the same time. If you intend to work from home and be successful, then you need to define these boundaries.
For instance, have a set work area within your home. When you are there, you are working. However, when you are not, then your mind needs to be on your role as a mother – and let work go until it is time to work again. Make sense?
- Keep the kids busy. You know what they say about an idle mind. Don’t get caught up in work and leave your kids to fend for themselves. Picture a kitchen covered in flour and broken eggs. Young kids are smart – and they’ve watched you make cookies. Modeling what you do is what kids are all about. Unless this is what you want to face every day, you are going to need to keep them busy. Find activities that hold their attention and place them in a certain area. When you need some solid time to focus on work, tell your kids to choose one of these activities.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You don’t have to be an over-achiever. There are going to be days when you just find it hard to get motivated. You may struggle with your focus or be distracted by an episode of The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you know other work-at-home moms, take turns keeping each other’s kids for an hour or two once a week. This small bit of uninterrupted time could prove to be the powerful force you need to slay your to-do list.
Do you work from home? Milky Chic would love to hear your tips and ideas for conquering a healthy work/mom balance at home. Comment below!